Your stay at our facility is a retreat from the dangerous cycles of addiction. We implement a personalized, intense therapy plan, rooted in our holistic, multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Your treatment plan uses the most effective, evidence-based therapeutic modalities that target the roots of your addiction. Much of the treatment is delivered in group therapy, a common method of an addiction therapy program. Your groups will be a resource for you, as you learn from one another throughout the beginning of recovery. You and your peers will build successful support systems together. Our team will guide your therapy sessions, where you will build a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Group Therapy

Outside of your time at our facility, there are a number of therapeutic activities that you have the opportunity to explore such as the beautiful Maumee River and the Toledo Botanical Garden

These trips all have a social, spiritual or cultural focus. We believe as groups begin to explore local museums, art galleries or historical sites, they are also beginning to explore themselves, without drugs and alcohol. Therapeutic recreational activities are a proven treatment that can ease stress and boost recovery.

You will also have the opportunity to go on outings with your groups, this will allow you to take a break from the intense aspects of recovery, and enjoy yourself

Expressive Therapy

Expressive Therapy, also known as art therapy, is another modality that we employ as part of your treatment plan. Guided by your therapists, groups will get the opportunity to explore art and themselves.

These expressive therapies help you tap into and examine your addiction in a special way that is non verbal. Alongside our traditional group therapies, we will help you engage with your more creative side, in a manner designed to address your needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a common tool that is used in addiction treatment. In the cycle of addiction, your brain’s reward circuits are malfunctioning. As you continue using unhealthy coping methods like drugs or alcohol to deal with life, they continue malfunctioning and becoming “used to: these unhealthy coping skills. The focus of CBT is to relearn healthy coping skills to build the necessary tool set to engage with the stresses of life.

CBT sessions focus on active goal setting and strategies, designed around your needs, with a focus on providing structure and emphasizing direct plans of action. Our staff is trained to work with you on your goals.

CBT is educational, focused on you learning effective, healthy and safe ways to identify and deal with stress and triggers. As you move through treatment, these therapies will help you get used to dealing with stress in a new, more positive manner, without resorting to unhealthy habits like drugs or alcohol.

Trauma Focused Therapy

Addiction and trauma are intertwined and part of your therapeutic plan will address any underlying traumas head-on, to begin dealing with them and spur recovery. Your individualized therapeutic plan will focus on addressing any trauma in your past, and our trained and experienced staff will modify and adapt your program to directly fit your needs.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is a therapeutic modality that encourages the examination of how an individual can make steps towards positive change. The therapy focuses on your strengths and motivations to start making positive changes and build these skills on their way to recovery.

Motivational is based on positive affirmation. Living in the cycle of addiction can leave you feeling hopeless. Taking small steps towards regaining control of your life, with the support of our team and your group, is a first step towards regaining control.

Case Management

The cycle of addiction is disruptive; you might face legal or professional issues stemming from it. Your case manager will be your advocate, equipped with a wealth of knowledge to help you tackle these issues.

Facing issues like bad credit or dealing with your criminal record can be daunting, but we will help.

Part of recovery is returning to a more normal rhythm, during treatment you will have the opportunity to start working towards that; we encourage you to begin working, return to school or start training for your next opportunity.

Family Therapy

Addiction is a family disease; we are committed to working with every client and their loved ones to establish healthy strategies for healing, setting healthy boundaries and dealing with family issues head-on.

Upon starting any treatment level, our staff will assess your family situation, your strengths and needs, and begin reaching out to loved ones if appropriate. We are dedicated to working with you and your loved ones, emphasizing psycho-education, examining co-dependency and learning successful strategies to set healthy boundaries and build a foundation for success.

Co-Occurring Diagnosis

Co-occurring substance abuse issues and severe mental health disorders is a significant factor in determining your treatment plan. If you need a dual-diagnosis care, your treatment plan will be built around your needs.

Severe mental health disorders can be debilitating; it is our priority to give you access to the care you need. At each facility and during each level of care you will have access to psychiatric care as well as the proper medications to keep you well.


Your therapy program will help you build the skills and experience you will need once you exit treatment, including strategies to prevent a relapse after treatment. The therapeutic techniques you learn and the community you build will be your strength.

As you progress through treatment, we will focus on giving you a list of resources to use when confronting familiar or new stresses out in the world. From inpatient to outpatient, your treatment program will address a healthy approach to long term success.